hand holding a gold bar from nsg

Here we have collected frequently asked questions and answers. If you do not find the answer to your question, you can always contact us and we will help you.


What are the price of investment bars and investment coins right now?

The current prices of our investment products can be found here!


Do you offer any storage service?

Yes, all information about our storage service can be found here.


What are your payment terms/payment methods?

The payment term when we sell to you is an advance payment. This is done smoothly through a direct bank transfer via Trustly's payment solution.


What is a premium and how much is it?

The premium is what you pay in addition to the market value of the precious metal you invest in. The premium differs depending on the weight of the coin/bar, but can also vary depending on the brand of the investment product.


When is my order shipped?

We ship your order the same day as the order is placed or no later than the next working day. Should there be a delayed delivery time for any reason, we will notify you. However, the price is determined at the time of your order, even if what you ordered is delivered later.


How do I sell investment bars or coins to you?

Read more about how to do it here


What kind of products do you buy?

We buy investment bars that have the Good Delivery status by LBMA. We also accept investment coins from the following brands: Maple Leafs, Britannias, Krügerrands, American Eagles, and Philharmoniker.


When is what I have submitted to you priced?

What you have submitted is priced at the upcoming fixed price, which is published every weekend weekday around 11:30 am. When we have made a payment, you will also receive a document in the form of a credit invoice where all essential information is stated.


Are gold, silver, platinum, and palladium subject to VAT?

Investment gold is VAT-exempt.

Silver, platinum, and palladium are sold with 25% VAT in Sweden.


What is a circulated investment bar or coin?

A circulated investment product has at least one previous owner. When sold they can therefore be of varying exterior conditions. It does not come directly from the manufacturer but always originates from an approved manufacturer.


How often are prices updated?

Prices are updated twice a day on weekdays.


How does it work when you want to purchase gold with delivery?

If you want to purchase physical gold or silver and store it on your own, we offer safe deliveries. Our deliveries are always fully insured and traceable, which means that you as a customer can feel completely confident that you will receive your order.